Posts tagged with: quitting

I hate every job I had. Is there something wrong with me?

The other day I was having a coffee chat with an old friend of mine. We talked about life, careers, and how much we hate our jobs. And while we have been switching through multiple jobs and career options in... Read More

Career Playbook: Adding Playfulness To Work!

Career Playbook for Re-Energising Your Work First things first – Why would a Career Playbook ever exist?! Isn’t work supposed to be SERIOUS??! Well…career topics can be boring…until they are not! Creativity and innovation happens when we can more FUN ... Read More

To Quit, Or Not to Quit? [Infographic]

To quit or not to quit, this is the question. We, humans, make decisions based on 2 directions: Either to MOVE AWAY from something we don’t want or to MOVE TOWARDS things we desire. When it comes to making a... Read More