Self Love In Embodiment – How Does It Look Like?

In need of a Self-Love Reset?

Imagine the version of you who have so much self-love that every time you come across a mirror, you can’t help smiling and appreciating how amazing you are just as being true to yourself!

How would you show up in life differently?

“Of course I am worthy to be treated with respect!”

“Of course I deserve this expansive, abundant lifestyle!”

“It’s my honour to serve and support you into your greatness; it’s is also your honour to work with me cos’ my energetic container is precious :)”


Do you want to embody this level of overflowing self-love in your life and business?



The 7- Year Human Design Cycle of Unconditioning

If you’ve been down the rabbit hole of Human Design, you’d probably feel that although the breadth and depth of the HD system can feel very liberating to the mind, yet knowing something VS embodying the wisdom in your everyday life could feel like a constant struggle. Agree? 

In Human Design, it takes a 7-year cycle to clean out the old patterns of behaviour that we’ve been using our entire lives, sometimes even across generations. Our nervous system is wired in a certain way before we get our “user manual”, so it makes sense that it takes time, commitment and conscious effort to break the pattern and stop the bucket here. 


I’m in the 9th year of my Human Design experiment now – and oh wow – how I wish I had someone on my side in my experiment who would hug me when I crumble, and slap me when my ego tries to play smart 😂


And I want to guarantee you that, if you already think Human Design is so wonderful & insightful to your self-understanding, then the REAL JUICY LIFE-TRANSFORMING MAGIC is really the true embodiment of the wisdom that you already have to assess 24/7.


Therefore, in the last quarter of this year, I’m opening up my energetic space to invite soul-aligned clients to work with me 1:1 in this special container called:


Self-Love Reset: Recalibrate Your Magnetic Essence

self love reset 

This is a high-touch, deep-dive 4-month container to hold you 1:1 through the winter (the most stressful season) and together we’d carve out a dedicated space to recalibrate your magnetic essence so that a NEW YOU is ready to arise for the new year to come! 


There will be a focus on the embodiment of your innate wisdom so that you can live out a life of true alignment. See me as your self-love body trainer in this process together!


What we’ll focus on addressing in the Self-Love Reset:


  • Mind (Think): Deep cleansing of limiting thought and energetic patterns from you and family lineages, making peace with the voice of your anxiety and fear, shifting the ego to the back seat of your life’s decision-making.
  • Body (Do): Rooting in your inner Strategy & Authority, mastering how to lead with your body wisdom, liberating your Feminine Essence, optimizing your vitality, translating insights into empowering daily habits
  • Heart (Feel): Unfrozen your ability to FEEL, making emotions your ally, channelling emotions as the fuels to your creativity
  • Spirit (Be): Solid energetic boundaries, strengthening communication muscles with your intuitive guidance, dream work, amplifying your manifestation power, deepening your trust in the Universe

*The exact curriculum will be tailored to your personal needs and growth directions along these themes.


These are not lectures of me talking about theories – our working relationship together in these 4 months is about you committing to building a deep, soulful, intimate relationship with yourself, so that no matter what happens in the future, you can promise yourself that:

  • You won’t run away and abandon yourself. You are always here for YOU, showing up with your radical honesty as you are.
  • Every decision you make is rooted in love, not fear.
  • You are your best cheerleader and supporter, not the critic.
  • You have full acceptance of different parts of you, and are willing to integrate them into your whole being with no resistance.
  • You have unshakable trust in your connection with your inner wisdom and guidance and are willing to follow your flow, one step at a time.  


How we work together:

We’ll be working with the 4 Feminine Phases around the Lunar Cycles of Think-Do-Feel-Be each month that includes:

4 feminine phases of business and work planning


  • A Deep Dive 1:1 Call every New Moon each month (Starting in the week of 26th Sep) to strategize and plan for the focus point of the month ahead
  • Expect I’ll assign you exercises in between; I’ll also offer you additional support resources, including guided visualizations, sound journeying experience, breathing techniques, TCM advice, 2023 Forecast etc.
  • Then we’ll have a 30-min catch-up call each week for review, updates and accountability until the next New Moon.
  • Ongoing WhatsApp or Telegram instant messaging support is available throughout the time we work together. 


This is an invitation for you if:

  • You are an emotional support service provider, healer, teacher, intuitive, creative, and heart-led professional ready to create more self-sovereignty, stability, and heart space for yourself. 
  • You are willing to develop a higher self-nurturing and self-trusting capacity, especially AND particularly if you are always very busy and have never been able to put yourself as your first priority.
  • Ideally, you already have some understanding of your human design chart and have had a professional HD reading before.


In times of turbulence, what anchors you is your ability to stabilize yourself. 


If this feels in alignment with where you are, let’s chat on WhatsApp


It’s time for you to choose YOU.

See this as your invitation if you feel like a Self-Love Reset!


What would it take for you to become the SOULMATE to YOURSELF who appreciates, supports, adores, encourages and loves you regardless of what happens? 


