Reparent yourself is sacred work of a lifetime – are you ready to be fully committed to who you truly are?

It’s so hard to be a conscious parent, or just be a conscious adult in general. Would you agree?

You already know one’s childhood could make or break one’s life. Therefore, with the awareness you have now, you strive to perform better than your parents.

Yet the stress of staying afloat as a (young) professional, together with all the expectations of being a good-enough parent, spouse, adult child, sibling, and citizen, has been a driving force for you to keep going, as well as what wakes you up at mid-night.

It’s a luxury even to talk about having me-time and the space for your personal growth and creative expressions! You just wish you could have more sleep 🙂

Then what makes good parenting?

Usually, our definitions come from the compensation of what we didn’t get enough of when we were kids, like:

I wish my parents could have –

  • reparent yourself - mom and kidHugged me more
  • Told me they love me no matter how I performed at school
  • Said more Yes to encourage me to explore, than No to “keep me safe”
  • Allowed me to explore my creative side
  • Spent more quality time with me besides work and homework
  • Taught me how to protect my boundaries and appreciate my body
  • Spoken up for me when I don’t have the courage or words to do so
  • Helped me understand my self-worth is not linked to my productivity nor being a “good girl”
  • Accepted my love for them as expressed in gifts and crafts
  • Invested more strategically in their retirement plans
  • Sacrificed less about their personal identity and autonomy for my siblings and me

While some of these are universal, are these what our kids need on an individual level? Each child is different, having a unique soul curriculum they carry throughout this lifetime. (Which becomes apparent with the help of Human Design)

The good news is, now we know better. And have the power to fill those unfilled needs for our inner child to flourish as an adult.

Why Reparent Yourself?

So that the bucket of dysfunctional generational patterns stops with us. 

Reparenting and inner child healing are NEVER about blaming our parents; In fact, I believe they have probably already tried their very best, limited by their own conditioning and circumstances.

So the best gift for your kids, as a parent, begins with YOU starting to reparent yourself, heal and liberate your inner child, so that you have the head+heart space to be present with your own kids’ REAL needs, not projecting your own shadows onto them.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents”, Carl Jung

Inner child healing might not sound new to you, but it’s a gradual process; you cannot rush, and don’t expect to complete it all at once.

I invite you to explore what has been unspoken, unexpressed in your inner child, or bubbles that you’ve been living with (especially for 5th line profiles) that you weren’t aware of.

And really, start from there!

Allow your inner child to play, experiment, fail, follow rabbit holes, and be a rebel in order to know your boundaries, so that you’ll have more patience and acceptance to hold space for others to do the same.

If you need some space-holding support, this Reparenting Yourself Service might be for you. For the next quarter (Jul- Sep), I’ll be having 5 spots opened 🙂

>>>Now back to you<<<

As an adult, am I still living my parents’ unlived life?