What if we all see ourselves as the CEO of our career?

Mindset Shift In Your Job Search Can Make A Huge Difference!

In the book “The Start-up of You”, Reid Hoffman, co-founder of Linkedin, introduced a concept that in this current age, to get ahead in your career progression, we have to think and act like an entrepreneur. “All humans are entrepreneurs not because they should start companies but because the will to create is encoded in human DNA…You remake yourself as you grow and as the world changes. Your identity doesn’t get found. It emerges.”

It doesn’t mean everybody has to start their own companies; it’s the mindset of thinking yourself as the

“CEO of You”

Think of it this way: Where we work is just a platform for us to shine and make a difference in the area that we care about. Ultimately, we are the one who owns our career, not the platform!  And thus, the process of finding the right job for us is just a matching process of Supply & Demand of the services we provide to solve a problem, and in return, we get back a fair amount of rewards, whether financially or psychologically.

So if you are the CEO of your “consultancy firm”, then ask yourself:

What do you have to offer?
What problems can you help solve?
Who need your talents the most?
What are their pain points, as well as their desires?
How can you reach out and win them over to buy your services?
What makes you different than your fellow service providers?
What kind of rewards you think you deserve for what you can offer?

This Mindset Shift in your job search will allow you to see the whole process very differently.

Winning Mindset: How Can You Help?

When attending job interviews, most job applicants go from a self-absorbed attitude of “I have done XYZ, so please give me a job.”
As human beings, what we most concerned about is WIIFM (‘What’s in it for me’). Therefore, if you want to win your interviewers over, you should help them see what benefits they would have if they hire you!
Shift your mindset to how you can help the company. What challenges and problems are they having, and what values can you offer to help your managers? What are their goals, and as a team, how can you achieve together? If you join their team, what can they learn from you? What value-added can you provide to the team?

When you adopt this important mindset, in the eyes of Interviewers, you become their ally!

Moreover, you always want the interviewers to associate you with your positive qualities. So when sharing your career stories, describe them from the angle of how you make things happen despite difficulties, instead of how things happened to you. Avoid spending enormous attention describing the tragic and emotional side of your challenges.

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