A Month for Recalibration!

As we are approaching the end of the year, I’m sure many of you are working on tying up loose ends, and getting yourself ready for a brand new start!

For many, 2018 is a year of BREAKTHROUGH – earth-shaking, chaotic, lots of deep lessons learnt, and the uncovery of new strengths in you that you didn’t realise when life is comfortable.

That’s why I’d love to dedicate this month for RECALIBRATION:

All that we need is already here within us; And if you are still wondering, “Why the breakthrough is not happening…yet?!”, sometimes all we need is to rearrange, realign, and reconnect the dots to put the puzzles together, so we can make sense of the new truth that we’ve recently uncovered.

Recalibration for me look like this:
– Refocusing on “Self-Coaching” to empower many more individuals to own their life decisions. It was MY WHY when I started out, but was too fearful to give away tips, tools and advice for free and would end up sleeping on the streets! Now I know better – transformation begins on an awareness level, but for most people, the real activation only happens when they have someone on their side to push + cheer for them. So being an Educator and a Coach are 2 very different yet complementary roles that I’ll both embrace moving ahead.
– Purging away 30% of books, clothes and clutters in my home that no longer adds joy to my life, so that I can have more space to invite something that would into my physical environment!
– Starting a collaboration with like-minded entrepreneurs in creating an all-inclusive start-your-first-business kit (stay tuned!)
– Archiving my tiny Facebook Group and refocusing my energy in creating more videos to educate, inspire & simply be transparent.
How would a recalibration look like for you?

Self-Coaching Questions for YOU in November:

  1. If you had a magic wand (think of the one of Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother) to rearrange an area of your life, where do you want to apply the magic on?
  2. From January 2018 to now, what are the lightbulb moments you’ve gathered? List them all out! You might want to get back to your journal and find the trace.
  3. What new decisions and actions have you made & taken AFTER those lightbulb moments?
  4. If you already know EXACTLY how to translate your lightbulb moments into action, what would you do now?
  5. What would you do if all fears fade away in a breeze?

Some more tips if you have no idea where to start recalibrating your life:

Start with decluttering your physical space – your work desk, your room, your wardrobe, your wallet, your handbag, and your home.
What sparks joy? What not? [ Marie Kondo’s Magic of Tidying Up]

Then your mental space – What thoughts are occupying your mind? Are they aligning with your priorities? Can you outsource or automate some decision makings of your daily life operations so you can free up your mental power? [ I explained why Discipline = More Freedom here]

And your energetic space – Who do you hang out with? Are you exposing yourself to a group of complainers and naysayers that drain your energy and motivation? [ Read how your office can influence your brain]

And only after you reclaim those space, you can have room for recalibrating those puzzles!


I believe it’s prime time to incorporate more actions so we can bring our AHA MOMENTS to life! Therefore in the coming weeks, I’ll have more to share with you in helping you end the year with a bang!

And if you are feeling “enough is enough” with your current soul-sucking job and are ready to hire help to activate that transformation,

Apply to work with me 1:1 now!

Keep shining your light – the world needs your brilliance!!!

Ponny Lam xo
Purpose Coach + Career Educator