current work more enjoyable

I get it.

You hate your job.

You know what? Actually, you are one of the majority.

According to Gallup’s latest  2017 State of the Global Workplace, 85% of employees worldwide are not engaged or are actively disengaged in their job. The figures for East Asian cities are even worse.

But taking the leap to make a job change is another story. And it takes much planning, and the clarity of knowing what you want next.

So when you are not ready to fire your boss…yet, what should you do?

3 Steps To Make Your Current Work More Enjoyable Today

Step 1: Make small changes to your current work

Go grab a pen and paper, set aside some quiet time, and ask yourself:

What can I do differently at work TODAY so I can feel more aligned?

Let your ideas flow, and start with small and actionable changes to make your current work more enjoyable, one step at a time.

You are currently in a job role which you are responsible to make cold calls and meets tough sales target. Working overtime is a norm in the work culture. Your possible actions might be to:

  • Understand and empathize with the pain points of why the job role was designed that way in the first place. What would you do if you were the manager?
  • Investigate and explore alternative arrangements so you can get off from work on time.
  • Schedule a meeting with your supervisor and share your findings, and negotiate from a win-win perspective.

Still need more clarity? Download my Career Playbook To Refresh and Re-energise your perspective on your current role at work!

Step 2: Figure out if a small pivot is a solution

The most risk-averse career pivot is through making small changes within your existing organisation.
Go figure out what job roles you would be interested in exploring further, and talk to the colleague to explore about their best and least favourite job-related tasks to figure out if the role coincides with your imagination.

You can also raise your hand for a collaborative project, short-term secondment to another team, or even a permanent job transfer.
I encourage you to initiate an open conversation with your supervisor on your thoughts for your next step. They could be more supportive than you think!

Step 3: Map out a career pivot strategy and develop an graceful exit plan

If the above 2 steps don’t work out, you would need an actionable transition plan to move from where you are, to where you want to be.

Can switching an employer improves the situation? Or you would need to change your entire industry?

How about taking the same role in a different industry or organisation nature?

Do your research, and reach out to people already working there for an informational interview to evaluate.

If you decide you’ll go for a career change, figure out what the pivoting steps could be.

Ultimately, only when you are in alignment at work, you can reach your full potentials and maximize your contribution to making the world a better place. But in the meantime, give your 100% into everything you do.

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